Ace Dragon Corp.

Established in 1991, Ace Dragon Corporation’s R&D center is located in the Hsinchu Science Park, which is the heart of Taiwan’s high-tech hub, giving us access to the best engineers on the island. To offer comprehensive services to our clients in China, we set up an HQ in Shanghai in 2002. Sales offices and service stations are also set up in Kunshan, Suzhou, Beijing and Dongguan.

Ready To Say Goodbye To Inventory Confusion? Discover How Dr. Storage's Color Bin Cabinet Design Can Help.

Ready To Say Goodbye To Inventory Confusion? Discover How Dr. Storage's Color Bin Cabinet Design Can Help.
Do you want to ensure that your electronic components remain in pristine condition, free from damage caused by moisture and humidity?

That's exactly what happened to one of Dr. Storage's customers 13 years ago. They had record cards all over their cabinet, but it still wasn't enough to prevent personnel from taking the wrong items and causing inventory confusion.

But Dr. Storage wasn't about to let their customer suffer any longer. In 2014, they launched a new ultra-low humidity cabinet model that not only solved their customer's problem but also added a clever twist. The new cabinet model had a function to directly install storage boxes on the cabinet, and it also came with storage boxes of different color schemes, allowing customers to use colors to manage different doors and reduce the risk of taking the wrong materials.

The customer was thrilled with this new design. They no longer had to worry about inventory confusion, and the colors made it easy to find the right items quickly. But the benefits didn't end there. The design also increased the utilization of cabinet space by allowing for placement of small items outside or inside the glass door, which reduces space waste and prevents humidity from entering the cabinet due to searching for small items too long. This maximizes the maintenance of stable humidity in the dry cabinet and effectively utilizes cabinet space to improve storage efficiency.

So, if you're tired of constantly losing track of inventory and want a solution that's both efficient and visually appealing, consider Dr. Storage's ultra-low humidity cabinet model. It's not just any cabinet; it's a cleverly designed solution to a common problem that has stood the test of time.

#DrStorage #colormanagement #IndustrialDryCabinets #ElectronicComponentProtection #HumidityControlStorage
#EfficientWarehouseSolutions #SayGoodbyeToInventoryChao